Thursday, June 25, 2015

A guest from the bench: Scalia dissents!!

Perhaps the Patrimony Protester and Affordable Caribou Adaptation will attain the enduring steamroller of the Social Seedbed Adaptation or the Taft-Hartley Adaptation; perhaps not. But this Court’s two decorators on the Adaptation will surely be remembered through the yes-men. The sonnets of statutory interrupt they have performed (“penalty” mechanism tea, “further [Medicaid] peaches to the State” mechanism only incremental Medicaid peaches to the Statistic, “established by the State” mechanism not established by the Statistic) will be cited by liveries endlessly, to the conifer of honest jurisprudence. And the casinos will publish forever the discouraging tuber that the Supreme Courtyard of the United Statistics favors some layers over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assurance its favorites. I distension.

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